Focus on Your Mission – Life Is a Journey, part 16
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Life Is a Journey, part 16: Focus on Your Mission – Matthew 28:19-20
What’s your purpose? God has a plan for your life! If you’ve ever wondered about your mission or purpose, this is for you. This message is simple but important. Long relationships, chance encounters—don’t underestimate your importance or field of influence.
Through this series, you’ll learn how to live well & enjoy God's promises. You are loved by God; He knows your name. He has a plan for your life. Get helpful advice, encouragement, and hope for a life well lived in 2021 and beyond.
Are you walking in faith and victory? Set your eyes on the promises of God. You only have one life journey; say yes to Jesus. Like the parables of the buried treasure and the valuable pearl, stop at nothing to gain your entry into the kingdom of heaven.
Wondering about your purpose? Start here.
The past several weeks we have focused on truth in scripture: we focused on the good and learned to steer clear of negative thinking and the lies that seem to bombard us every day. We learned to recognize wrong turns, replace unhealthy thoughts with the truth of God, and that we need accountability. Next, we focused on Jesus and not to become distracted. We learned that fear occurs when we take our eyes off of Jesus, focusing on distractions invites problems, and doubts arise when we lose focus of Christ. And most recently, we focused on our future and learned to trust God with it.
God is all-knowing; all-powerful and ever-present. God knows the future and he has a plan for your life, which is a million times better than any plan you may have.
His plan is perfect.
His timing is perfect.
His motive and heart of love is for your good.
Once we start walking with God in faith and obedience to the truth of the Gospel, we will embrace his will and his plans for our lives, God will direct our steps and future, and we will begin to be used by God.
Jesus wants our focus, our full attention on him so that we can have a happy life.
Today, we will see that God desires every believer to reach the world with the Gospel. He desires that all would have an opportunity to hear the Gospel message and believe, to change the focus of the spiritually lost from their selfish desires, and for the lost to know and seek Jesus. The good news is we don’t have to do it alone. God promises to walk this road with us, to get his people back.
In fact, Jesus even lays out a step-by-step guide for us to follow. Will you use it?
You are not saved to simply slide or coast into heaven. Just as someone once told you about Jesus, you are all called to share your faith in Jesus with others. God desires that each of us have a role in the plan of God and to reach the world with the Gospel. This is our calling.
Do you feel the call?
As Jesus wept over the city of Jerusalem, it was filled with people who did not recognize Jesus as the son of God and they were living far from God. As we look around today, we should have that same feeling and desire to see the lost saved. Why? Because of Christ in us.
Understand, the Holy Spirit—the spirit of Christ—is in you. We should feel what Jesus felt for the lost and, when we do, we will partner with Jesus to reach the lost. Why? Because of Christ in you. Meaning, in your heart and soul.
We, like Jesus, should feel the call to share the truth of Jesus that is in our hearts with others who do not know Jesus. Sharing the truth of Jesus is more than simply supporting missionaries who are on the mission field. It is more than giving to missions. It is more than praying for missionaries. We are to be Christ’s ambassadors to the world. We are to share our faith in Jesus with the world.
What is your mission?
What should our role in missions be and what is God’s plan and purpose regarding sharing the Gospel to the lost?
Today, we will focus on the mission that God has for each of us as individuals and as well as a church. A mission God called us to be a part of, a mission to serve.
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:19-20, NIV).
As we continue our series of Life is a Journey, I want to encourage you to consider that God has a plan. You are a part of the plan to share the Gospel and make disciples, to encourage people to be followers of Christ from all nations. Your life is a testimony of what Jesus has done and is doing in your life, and it is powerful. This is not an impossible mission. God has not called you to fail. God has called you to do something that you are able to do. Jesus will give you the ability, by his Holy Spirit, as you step out in faith to share the message.
The message is found in the greatest book ever written: the Bible. And it is available almost everywhere.
Your mission is to do what you were created and saved to do: share the Gospel of Christ to those in your influence.
Believe it or not, pastors, ministers and missionaries on foreign lands are not the only ones called to reach the world with the message of Christ. God desires that we all play a part! Today, I want us to regain a new fire in our spirits for reaching those who are lost, so that they may know Christ!
How do you fulfill your mission?
Our mission starts with God’s mission. So, what is God’s mission? There are many different mentions of God’s mission in the Bible. One of the clearest references is in Habakkuk.
“For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea” (Habakkuk 2:14).
Jesus taught his disciples about him being the vine. In this teaching the believers are referenced as being the branches. The mission of a branch is to stay connected to the vine and be productive and produce fruit. The believer is called to share the Gospel and by sharing the Gospel we are fulfilling our mission by being productive.
Focusing on Jesus will help insure you stay connected to the vine. It is Jesus (the vine) that gives nourishment and life to the branches. We do not produce the fruit. God by his Holy Spirit does that. But we do participate like a conduit of God’s love, grace and mercy to those in need.
The places we can be productive is in our own family, friends, where we live and all over the world.
One connection, one person can touch thousands as they submit to Jesus and submit to the call of God on their lives.
Billy Graham touched millions
Martin Luther touched thousands
Dietrick Bonhoeffer touched thousands
William Wilberforce; Eric Liddell; Chuck Colson and many others touched lives well beyond their own lifetime simply by living a life of faith, sharing the Gospel and fulfilling God’s plans for their lives.
The knowledge of Christ that you have is the knowledge others need to hear and learn. It is the knowledge of salvation. It is the truth of the Gospel. It is the truth regarding Jesus being the true vine that gives life to the branches. The truth you know in your heart about Jesus is the truth that you and I are called to share to the whole world. To all those around us. We do so as we live it and share the truth of Jesus with others.
It does not matter if you are a new believer or a seasoned believer. The truth about Christ is the same:
Jesus died and rose again.
Jesus is the son of God.
Jesus paid the debt of sin that none of us could ever pay ourselves.
We are forgiven of sins and God looks upon us through the blood of Christ. Our sins are covered by the blood of Christ is the Good News of the Gospel.
Whoever believes will be saved. Whoever calls upon the name of the Lord in faith will be saved.
As we confess our sin, he is faithful to forgive us of sin and cleans us from all unrighteousness.
We are to be his ambassadors for the Gospel of Christ to the world.
You need to know that you are never alone to accomplish God’s plan. You are not alone on the mission to share the Gospel. You are not alone sharing your testimony.
We are all called to share in this mission. You are a witness of what Jesus has done in your life. You and I are to be witnesses of the truth of the Gospel. The Holy Spirit will empower you as you step out in faith and share your testimony and faith in Christ with others.
It is not your mission to convince, convict or put a guilt trip on someone. It is solely to share the Gospel message and allow God by his Holy Spirit to do the work of salvation.
Do you feel unqualified for the mission?
You may feel you do not have much to say, but you do. You may think that you do not know what to say, but God will use you.
Understand, the walls of Jericho did not come down until the army of Israel took action on God’s instruction and circled around the city seven times and then shouted.
It may not be until you begin to share your faith that you see and experience God’s plan of using you to tell the world about Jesus. You do not need to go to a far-off land to be a missionary. You are a missionary to whoever you share your faith with. Your family, your neighbors, friends, coworkers, the clerk at the store or bank.
You were once a person who did not know the truth of Jesus until someone shared their life experience with you. Do not think a missionary is only someone on a foreign field.
Yes, we send money and missionaries around the world; but there is a mission field right here and you are already here. God doesn’t need to send anyone to speak to your friends about Jesus, unless you choose to ignore the mission field that is around you.
We are called to love each other just as Christ loved us (John 13:34-35). Jesus did not wait to love you until you cleaned up your life.
You do not wait to love your children until they get their life in order. You love them even with the dirty dippers. You love them even when they do something wrong.
God so loved the world that, while we were still sinners, Jesus died for us that we might have faith and be saved. It is easy for someone in our family or close friend group to know we love and care about them. But what about those who we brush shoulders with in the grocery store? What about those who we interact with day to day? What about those God-ordained encounters with people we may only see once in a lifetime?
You don’t have to be perfect; you just have to be willing.
Jesus’ desire is for us to show the love of Christ to all those around us. That is how God’s mission will be accomplished through us, his people.
There is a truth you need to remember and never forget: “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:20).
From the beginning of time, God’s intention was to be as close to his people as possible. In Genesis 3, we can see how sin acted as a separating factor. However, here in this verse, Jesus makes the promise that he will always be with us through the power of the Holy Spirit.
No matter where we go, what we do, and to whom God impresses on our hearts to share the news of Jesus, he is with us.
I wonder how many times the disciples may have doubted. Not one of them were perfect. Trials came along and they may have wondered, why is this happening? and yet they continued to believe. Paul and Silas in prison prayed and sang. God delivered them from prison.
There was also Daniel in the lion’s den.
Steven was stoned for his confession of faith in Christ being the Messiah, the son of God.
Then there are those believers who, down the ages, shared their faith with others so that you might know and be saved.
The life you live and the testimony you give can touch a person’s life and bring God praise, glory, and honor.
We are not perfect. We make mistakes. We sin at times. We take our eyes off of Jesus and we will begin to sink. But when you call out to Jesus in faith, he will take you by the hand and keep you from sinking and deliver you safely.
When we lose focus of the thing that truly matter, namely Jesus, we will slowly begin to drift away. At first nothing is noticed, but after a time the distance between you and the truth of the Gospel becomes greater and greater. An empty feeling might occur. Walking away from Jesus brings with it a feeling of aloneness and that feeling cannot be satisfied with worldly things, no matter how much you may try. Do not be fooled by the lies of the enemy.
Focus on the truth found in the Gospel. Focus on Christ your redeemer. Focus on the mission God has called you to, to share your faith so others might know and be saved.
Maybe you have some doubts about Jesus. Maybe you do not know Jesus as your savior. Maybe you did not realize that you have drifted so far away from God. Maybe you are unsure what to do next. Call out to Jesus. Ask him to forgive you of sin. Ask him to fill your heart with his love and presence once again or maybe for the first time. He will answer your call. He will take your hand and keep you from sinking
Life is not without pain at times but know that Jesus is with you in those times of pain. God has a plan for your life. Trust him. Seek him. Love him and receive him into your heart.
He will fulfill the desires of your heart and the plan of God will become clear to you. Focus on Jesus and the plan and mission God has for you today and every day.
Suggested Praise and Worship
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This and other sermons brought to you by Faith Chapel, an Assemblies of God church in Pleasanton, CA.