Get Wisdom & Win Battles by Pursuing the Truth of God – Life Is a Journey, part 31
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Life Is a Journey, part 31: Get Wisdom & Win Battles by Pursuing the Truth of God – Proverbs 23:23
Do you pursue truth and wisdom? This message helps us understand how the truth contained in Proverbs 23:23 is key to living in today’s world.
If we acquire the truth of God, and don’t let go, we will get the spiritual wisdom, discipline and understanding that we need. We must seek, acquire and invest in the truth of God’s word.
Through this series, you’ll learn how to live well & enjoy God's promises. You are loved by God; He knows your name. He has a plan for your life. Get helpful advice, encouragement, and hope for a life well lived in 2021 and beyond.
Are you walking in faith and victory? Set your eyes on the promises of God. You only have one life journey; say yes to Jesus.
Embrace the Truth of God
Do you prefer relative truth or absolute truth?
We have been focusing on spiritual growth. On standing firm in faith. On avoiding temptation. On focusing on what is truly important: Jesus.
It is easy to get distracted from what is important in life, the spiritual things in life, and the truth of the Gospel. There is so much noise in the world today. Two different people say they are speaking the truth, and yet they say the opposite.
Have you heard the term “relative truth”? Relative truth is anything that describes the changing phenomena of our experience. It is truth based on what you think is true for you. Relative truth is truth that can change based on your belief.
Absolute truth is immutable and unchanging truth. Relative truth can look or sound true and yet it can change. So, is it really true? Absolute truth is truth that does not change. God’s word is absolute truth. It does not change. Jesus is the true vine. He does not change. There is only one true God. God does not change, and his word is truth.
So much today cries out for our attention and claims to be true: the shiny new idea or object that is attracting your attention; the sparkly new so-called truth that is popular in society today, but maybe not tomorrow. The world’s so-called truth collides with the truth of God’s word.
Worldly “truth” outwardly may sound good, but it is really a spiritual lie wrapped in a partial truth, which will confuse, trick, and spiritually enslave you. The enemy of your soul wraps his lies in such a way that if you do not know the truth of God, you might easily be fooled into believing a lie.
Worldly things often scream for and demand our attention, so much so that if we allow it to, we can miss out on what is important: the spiritual issues in life. If that happens you might find yourself focusing on the physical, the natural and worldly situations of the world and totally miss the truth and what God desires for you to achieve in your life, in the spirit.
A spiritual battle is taking place all around.
It is a battle for your mind and soul.
A battle not against flesh and blood.
A battle between good and evil; between truth and error.
A battle between the truth of God that is found in scripture, and the so-called truth of this world that changes over time.
This battle involves the collision of worldly, so-called truth (worldly lies) against the truth of God (spiritual truth found in God’s word).
Where can we find absolute, real truth?
One thing doesn’t change, and that is God’s word: the Gospel message. The truth regarding God’s love for you and his desire for you never changes. Spiritual truth as God himself is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Real truth, spiritual truth, is in short supply in the world today. Truth seems to change based upon the desired outcome of the person professing the so-called truth.
As I have already stated, the enemy of your soul will bait a hook with a lie that looks like truth, a worldly view that sounds convincing and is wrapped with enough so-called truth, that you may believe the lie and take the bait only to find that you swallowed the bait, (the so-called truth) hook, line and sinker. You may find yourself caught in spiritual bondage and cannot break free.
Understand, the word of God doesn’t change, and it gives us all the truth we need to live a full and rewarding life, in Christ. God’s word is true for all eternity. No baited hook that will lead to spiritual bondage. We must know the truth and keep the truth of God’s word close to our hearts. We must consider the wisdom, instruction, and spiritual insight for life that comes from knowing the truth. Both for this life and for all eternity.
No matter what we do, we must not lose or deny the truth of God. God’s word is truth, and it will stand true for all eternity.
The word of God is the only place we can find real truth.
Last week I shared about a healthy or unhealthy spiritual lifestyle. I want to encourage each of you to develop a pattern of spending time in the word of God and allow the Holy Spirit to apply the truth of God’s word to your heart and soul. The only way to live a transformed life in Christ is by allowing the Holy Spirit to open your spiritual eyes and ears to the truth of God.
We need true understanding of the knowledge of God. We need the wisdom of God to live a victorious life in Christ. The goal of reading the Bible is not simply to read it, but ultimately to live it.
Meditate on God’s word and let it transform you into the person of God you are called to be. Allow the love of God, expressed in the word, to ring true in your heart and fill you with the knowledge of God.
We need to know, understand, and live according to the truth of God. We must read the truth, so that we can live the truth, for all the world to witness.
Paul writes in Colossians that he hopes you will be encouraged and united in love, that you will have complete understanding, in order that you will know Christ (Colossians 2:2).
We need to be willing to allow God, by his Holy Spirit, to open our spiritual eyes and ears to the truth of God’s word each day. You may need to start with something short and easy when it comes to getting into a rhythm or pattern of spending time in God’s word daily: five minutes; 10 minutes; 30 minutes at a time each day. After a bit, you may find 30 minutes alone in God’s word is too short.
Are you pursuing wisdom and truth?
“Buy the truth and do not sell it—wisdom, instruction and insight as well” (Proverbs 23:23, NIV).
This verse in Proverbs alludes to the fact that we need to ascertain, gain, and seek the truth of God ourselves if we are desiring to live a spiritually victorious life. We need to invest and hold dear to the truth of God. We should seek out the truth of God and not let it go. As we do, we will gain wisdom, discipline and understanding.
There is a spiritual reward, a spiritual benefit for knowing and living according to the truth of God. A priceless, eternal benefit: eternal life with Christ in Glory. Spiritual wisdom, spiritual understanding and spiritual discipline is needed for this life and all eternity.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. 7 Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil” (Proverbs 3:5-7).
“Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding, 14 for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold. 15 She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her” (Proverbs 3:13-15).
We must learn to stand firm in God’s truth, in the word of God. As we do, we are being spiritually renewed and transformed daily. As we walk in the grace and knowledge of God, let us pursue the true wisdom and understanding of God’s word, in our hearts and minds.
The word of God is powerful. It is a guiding light for our souls. The truth of God’s word will lead us in paths of righteousness.
Remember, God’s word will not return void (Isaiah 55:11).
The truth contained in Proverbs 23:23 is key to living in today’s world.
We must seek, acquire and invest in the truth of God’s word. We must never part from it.
Investing in God’s truth will help you win battles.
The enemy of your soul would have you trade or sell the truth of God’s word for the foolish so-called truth of the world. You may think or be told that the world’s truth is real. But it’s not. You may think that the world’s priorities are all important. That is a lie. This is where a person, a believer, can get themselves in trouble spiritually.
“I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do” (Romans 7:15).
If we are truthful with ourselves, I think we have all found Romans 7:15 to be true. We battle against the sinful nature every day. It is the truth of God in his word that gives us the true wisdom and understanding and spiritual discipline we need for spiritual victory in Christ.
Proverbs 23:23 is also true. God’s truth in your heart will give you spiritual wisdom, and spiritual understanding to be able to stand against the lies of the enemy. Such knowledge will lead you into spiritual discipline and victory as you align your life with the truth of the gospel.
Would you say the time you spend reading the bible, meditating on God’s word, and in prayer, is time you are investing in the truth of God, which will benefit you spiritually beyond measure?
Often those who do not to live according to Proverbs 23:23 find out later in life that they should have spent more time with God, in his word and in prayer. Some will realize that they should have meditated on the word of God and applied the truth of God to their life long ago, rather than quickly reading a chapter so they could mark down somewhere and say that they read the bible.
If you live according to Proverbs 23:23, you’ll see the spiritual warning signs and protect yourself:
You won’t drift away from serving the Lord.
You will keep the faith and stay in church.
You will follow the Lord, rather than running after the shiny baited hook of worldly dreams of money, success, and leisure living.
We need to allow the word of God to fully saturate our hearts and lives if we are going to be transformed into the person of God that he desires us to be. We need the spiritual wisdom and understanding that is only found in the truth of God’s word.
Let me warn you today, that the world’s truth will only cloud the truth of God and lead you astray, unless you focus and spend time in the word of God. The world’s truth can sound convincing at times. When, in fact, the world’s truth is not the whole truth.
The Apostle Paul in Romans 7 points out the internal struggle, that we have all experienced at one time or another. It is one thing to know about the truth; it is quite another to keep the truth of God a priority in your life.
Acquiring God’s truth leads to wisdom and understanding.
The use of a positive and negative reference regarding truth in Proverbs 23 is the Hebrew method of emphasis. In other words, truth is very important. The writer of Proverbs 23 is telling us to obtain, buy, acquire the truth of God, and don’t let go. If we do that, we will get the spiritual wisdom, discipline and understanding that we need.
“Get wisdom, get understanding; do not forget my words or turn away from them. 6 Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you. 7 The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding” (Proverbs 4:5-7).
We should pursue—at any cost—the truth of God and refuse to part with it. But many people have been swayed to do the opposite and to trade, sell or simply give away the truth of God for a different lifestyle and direction in life.
Unfortunately, this happens to people all the time. As I said last week: the things of the world can be seductive. The enemy will attempt to draw you in and convince you of the world’s so-called truth to be truth, rather than trusting in the truth of God. Romans 7 reminds us of the internal battle we have at times; the world and worldly desires attempting to pull us away from following Jesus. The world offers a type of satisfaction that you feel at the moment but is only temporary.
The truth of God offers eternal life, both in the present and future blessings, when we choose to live according to the wisdom, understanding and plan of God.
You see, knowing Jesus is knowing the truth and the truth will set you spiritually free.
God’s word is truth worth finding, keeping, and sharing.
God’s word is like a hidden treasure and when found, cling tightly to the spiritual truth of God. It has eternal value. Way more valuable than gold or silver, or anything else for that matter that the world can offer.
“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. 45 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. 46 When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it” (Matthew 13:44-46).
God’s word is like a stream that flows in a desert. It gives life wherever it flows. Have you found the pearl of great price? have you sold everything to buy and acquire it? If so, follow the words of Proverbs 23:23, don’t let it go. Do not let it slip through your fingers. Hold onto the truth of God’s word. It is life eternal. It is wisdom and it imparts understanding. Go and tell others the good news of the truth of God’s word.
‘Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”’ (Matthew 28:18-20).
As you share the truth of God’s word and what Jesus is doing in your life, your faith will be strengthened. You will stand firm in faith. You will reveal to all the world that you are living a transformed life in Christ.
At times standing firm in faith can seem costly. Some friends may walk away. You may be passed up for a promotion at work. You may feel that the pleasures of this life have passed you by at times. You may think that living a life of faith and surrender to the truth of God’s word is too costly; that you are missing out on what the world is offering. You’re not! Remember, the world’s promises and world’s pleasures are only temporary.
The truth of God and eternal life with Christ is worth the cost. Jesus says you are worth the cost of him going to the cross. His love for you will never fail. His truth will never change! You never need to apologize for the truth of God. God’s Word stands forever true. Embrace the truth of God—it is a life worth living. It is a lifelong journey that has eternal rewards and it is worth pursuing.
Suggested Praise and Worship
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This and other sermons brought to you by Faith Chapel, an Assemblies of God church in Pleasanton, CA.