Live Your Faith Out Loud (part 4): Draw Near to God and Persevere
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Live Your Faith Out Loud, part 4: Draw Near to God; A Call to Perseverance - Hebrews 10:19-25
Your life means more than you know. Our family, neighbors, friends, and coworkers need to witness faith in action. Now, more than ever, people need to see and hear the power of God demonstrated in your life. They need the hope that is in the Gospel message of salvation.
We need to encourage one another to run the race and finish well. We should be examples to all and worship the Lord in spirit and truth, with all our hearts. As we do we will experience revival within our hearts and be an encouragement to others.
Let us focus on Jesus and living our lives out loud for Jesus and for all to see, that they would know true joy, healing, and forgiveness.
People need to be encouraged and know others are praying for them, that they are loved and not forgotten, that they are loved by God and that He desires them to experience the grace, love and peace of God.
A Call to Perseverance by Drawing Near to God
Jesus Provides Complete Access to God
In the book of Hebrews we learn Jesus is superior to angels. Jesus is the son of God and the exact representation of God. Jesus provided purification for sin by His death and shed blood.
Scripture tells us that Jesus is the great High Priest who is in heaven and who, by offering his own sinless blood, provided complete access to God for those who believe.
It is by Jesus’ one sacrifice that He has made perfect forever all those who place their faith in Jesus.
It is because of Jesus that every believer has complete access to the father.
It is because of Jesus we have forgiveness of sin.
It is because of Jesus we are saved and have eternal life with Christ in Glory.
It is because of Jesus we can approach with confidence the throne of God and find Grace to help us in our times of need.
Feeling Anxious, Worried, or Overwhelmed? Stop and Pray
Especially today, people need the grace and mercy of God.
People who live next to you need the grace and mercy of God.
The person in line at the grocery store.
The person who once heard the Gospel and then drifted away needs to be reminded about the love, grace, mercy and forgiveness of God.
The healthy person and the person who is sick, both need to hear the Gospel message of grace and forgiveness of sin. They need to know they are loved and can call out to God just as they are and God will hear and answer.
At times we may need to be reminded ourselves not to forget the love, grace, mercy and forgiveness of God that is extended to us because of Jesus’ shed blood.
At times the busyness of life can cause us to forget.
In times of crisis—worldly disasters and events in the news can cause us to become consumed by the events of the day.
In a time of sickness or loss, doubt or fear may overwhelm us.
When the enemy attempts to inject doubt or fear into our hearts, what we need to do is stop and pray.
We should dwell of the promises of God and remember the faithfulness of God.
We need to get together with other believers and encourage one another in faith.
We should draw close to God even when we do not feel like it. Because as we do, God will lift us up and bless us.
How to Remain Strong In Faith During Difficult Times
In Hebrews 10, Paul gives us four key points to remember that will help us to remain sure in faith during difficult times.
“Therefore, brothers and sisters, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus, 20 by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body, 21 and since we have a great priest over the house of God, 22 let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. 23 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. 24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching” (Hebrews 10:19-25, NIV).
Paul wants us to remember and realize the access we each have to God because of Jesus. In previous chapters, Paul has pointed out the New Covenant we have in Christ, and has warned us against turning away from God and continuing in sin. Paul encourages every believer to show the same diligence, passion and faith in Christ to the very end, and in doing so, their hope in Christ is sure.
With that, I want us to consider the four points found in Hebrews 10:19-25.
4 Things That Keep Us Strong in Faith During Difficult Times:
Let us draw near to God.
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess.
Let us consider how we may spur one another on.
Let us not give up meeting together.
1. First, draw near to God.
No matter what situation you find yourself in, the best advice Paul can give a believer or non-believer is to first draw near to God.
When you draw near to God, you are to do so with a sincere heart and in full assurance of faith.
The only reason that we can draw near to God is because of our faith in Jesus and His being the great High Priest in heaven.
We can draw near in full assurance because of the blood of Christ that paid our debt to sin.
We can draw near because we are cleansed from sin and guilt. Christ has made it possible to draw near to God because of Jesus’ sinless life and sacrifice. There is nothing in and of ourselves, which will allow us to draw close to God. It is only because of Jesus.
The sincere heart is full assurance of faith; it is an inward cleansing, freeing us of a guilty conscious.
The body washed with pure water is an outward cleansing; it refers to the lifestyle and turning away from sin and being conformed into the image of Christ. Having faith in God without acting according to one’s faith outwardly, is not truly drawing near to God with all your heart.
Both the heart and outward lifestyle reveal your faith and commitment to Christ.
Turn to the Lord with all your heart; acknowledge and obey Him; and He will bless and forgive you of your sin. We need to draw near to God both with our hearts and lifestyles.
We are blessed both inward and outwardly when we draw near to God in faith.
The world will say that you will be happy and satisfied if you get more money, lose weight, succeed at work, etc. But there are people who have achieved all these things and more; something within the spirit of these people makes them think that things would be better if they simply take their own lives. That is a lie from Satan himself. Without hope people perish but not so for the believer. You have hope in Christ, and it begins with drawing near to God.
People don’t wake up one day and think “I’m going to pray and seek God”. It usually takes something to get them to act: a need or a time of trouble. That is why I believe as Christians we have an opportunity to speak of life and hope in Christ.
This virus pandemic has caused people all around to feel troubled, alone and hopeless and unsure of what may be next. People may be searching for answers, and hope in God will bring peace to their hearts.
Revival begins when the need for God becomes greater than what society or the person themselves can provide.
2. Second, let us hold unswerving to the hope we profess.
If we are going to remain steadfast in faith and in Jesus we need to have hope in the faith we profess, and hope that God is faithful.
Hope in the truth of the Gospel.
Hope in the promises of God.
Hope in the saving knowledge of Christ.
Hope in Jesus in both good times and in times of suffering.
Hope in the blood of Christ.
Hope in the love, grace, mercy and forgiveness of God.
We need to hold unswervingly to the promises of God and Hope in the promise of Jesus’ return.
That we have eternal life in Christ.
That the promises are yea and amen.
That the scriptures are true and no matter the circumstance, God is able to deliver us from the curse of sin and death.
That the person who is in Christ has no need to fear anything; God is able to deliver them from death.
If you are truly hopeful, you will hold fast to the truth you have faith in, as Christ the Lord.
Holding on to the truth of the Gospel and remaining faithful is just another evidence of you being a Christian. When things get tough and you cannot see a way out, faith and hope are two key factors that you can hold on to and believe.
3. Third, let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.
Everyone, at one time or another, needs encouragement. At times a person can get weighed down emotionally, spiritually, relationally, financially and become discouraged. At times a person may get too focused on themselves and on the physical rather than on the spiritual and seeing the needs of others. It’s at times like that a person can become spiritually blind to the needs of others. The love of God for others that was once so apparent in the person’s life can become almost nonexistent. That is the time we need encouragement to continue in good works.
We need others to come alongside us and help us focus on Jesus and help one another.
4. Four, let us not give up meeting together, but let us encourage one another all the more as we see the day approaching.
We need to keep looking for Jesus’' return.
As we draw near to God in faith.
As we hold unswervingly in hope.
As we spur one another on in love.
We need to also encourage one another to run the race and finish well. We should continue to gather together and worship the Lord and not slip back into old habits.
We should be examples to the world and other believers and worship the Lord in spirit and in truth, with all our hearts. As we do we will experience revival within our hearts and be an encouragement to others.
Allow faith, hope and love for the Lord Jesus to fill your heart and finish the race set before you well so others may know and be saved.
Suggested Praise and Worship
This and other sermons brought to you by Faith Chapel, an Assemblies of God church in Pleasanton, CA.