There Is Power and Purpose In Your Life: Looking for His Return
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Looking For His Return - 1 Peter 4:7-11
You are unique and God has a plan for you, but your days are limited.
Your life, actions, and words have power and purpose. You represent Christ to the world; and the love and mercy of God to each other.
Sometimes we miss the enormous responsibility we have: It is us, the believers, by our actions and words who can either point someone to Christ or cause a person to turn away and think Christians are a bunch of hypocrites. But this is also an enormous blessing: Giving of oneself is powerful.
Your life can make a powerful difference.
God has given us the ability and strength to help, serve, and work.
Peter understood the importance of thinking clearly regarding the future; and being in prayer in order for the believer to stay focused spiritually and serve others for the glory of God.
In the midst of dealing with suffering, remember to remain faithful and focused on the Lord.
Peter looked for the return of Christ yet he also knew that his life and the life of every believer could end at any time. He is about to warn the believer not to get distracted by anything and, instead, to remain diligent to the call of God.
“The end of all things is near. Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray. 8 Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 9 Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. 10 Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. 11 If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen” (1 Peter 4:7-11, NIV).
Principals to Practice Daily
Peter touches on some urgent and practical principles that we as believers should always be mindful of, as we live each day looking forward to Christ’s return:
Be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray.
Love each other deeply.
Offer hospitality to one another.
If you speak, you should do it as one speaking the very words of God.
If you serve, you should do it with the strength God provides.
Why Should We Live This Way?
The reason why we should live this way is so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ.
The End Is Near
Peter knows that Jesus will one day return for His church. Peter wanted the believers to have a clear understanding that they were to remain faithful and engaged spiritually until Jesus returned.
Peter wanted the believers to have the attitude that there is no time to waste. Do not think there is always a tomorrow. Peter says the end of all things is near.
Peter must have had Jesus’ return in mind, and that he might not be around much longer to encourage the believers to remain faithful.
God Has a Unique Plan for You. But, Your Days Are Limited.
The fact of the matter is, we should all concentrate on what we are to do regarding ourselves rather than what God wants to do in another person’s life.
God has a unique plan for each of us, and we are to simply follow Christ and do the work he places on our heart. Our days and lives are in His hands. Jesus lovingly directs our lives, we only need to trust and follow him.
One day we will all see Jesus face to face, and for some it may be sooner than later. We should each live with the idea that Jesus may return today but there is also the possibility that we may die before Jesus returns. Thus we are to always live our lives expectant of Jesus’ return. In other words being clear minded and using good judgement.
Prayer is always the best place to start, in whatever we face.
Prayer is communication. It is to be a two-way conversation. Prayer is a balance, between pouring ones heart out to God and listening and awaiting for His answer. It’s important to stay connected with God; to stay focused with sober judgement, being clear minded, and removing distractions. Knowing it is possible for Jesus to return at any moment and without warning should help us to focus on what is truly important.
How to practice Peter’s 5 Principles
Next, Peter tells us with Jesus returning soon, we should above all love each other deeply (1 Peter 4:8).
As Christians we should love one another deeply. We should be passionate and care for one another in a determined manner. We should so deeply love one another that nothing can derail our love for Christ and our love for fellow believers. Peter tells us that a love like that covers over a multitude of sins. Hatred stirs up dissension, but love covers over all wrongs (Prov 10:12). Peter is not speaking of a love that gives a person a pass on sin. Love doesn’t cover-up sin. Love does not excuse sin. Rather if we truly love someone, we can and should be able to forgive them. We can accept one another’s faults, knowing that we are not perfect ourselves. It is the type of love that the world does not understand or extend towards one another.
This is a special kind of love. A love that:
Extends true grace and mercy.
Draws people to Christ and one another.
Causes you to go out of your way to serve and help others who may have offended you.
Will forgive not simply seven times, but seventy times seven.
Causes you to give of yourself rather than to keep for yourself.
Begins and ends with God.
Stands head and shoulders above the rest.
Is freely given without expecting anything in return.
Peter tells us the third command we should do regarding Christ’s return and the end of all things is that we offer hospitality to one another without grumbling (1 Peter 4:9).
Offering hospitality to someone can be costly. It may cost money, time, personal space, or privacy. It can be inconvenient at times. That may be why Peter added the words without grumbling. To be hospitable means to share what you have with another. As Christians, we should understand that all we have is from God.
Hospitality can lead to a lasting impact.
True love and hospitality is witnessed in practical ways and it gives opportunity to share the love of God in a way that can make a lasting impact. It can give a person the right to speak into someone’s life. Giving of oneself is powerful. When you take action and responsibility to help another, it gives credibility to what you say, rather than empty words “such as I will be praying”.
We must be clear minded, making sober judgements, and live self-controlled before we can show love and hospitality to one another, and the lost.
Finally, Peter tells us the fourth and fifth commands we should do regarding Christ’s return and the end of all things. We should speak as one speaks the very words of God and serve with the strength God provides (1 Peter 4:11).
In other words all we say, all we do should be done with God in mind. It should be done so people hear the gospel message and witness the power of the resurrection of Christ. We should choose our words and what we say to others very carefully and not cause one to stumble. We should help, serve, and work with the mindset that it is God who has given us the ability and strength to do what we do.
As believers we must understand that our lives, our actions, our words have power and purpose. You are the one who:
Represents Christ to the world.
Displays the love and mercy of God to one another.
Points to Christs return.
Are His hands extended to meet the needs of both the believer and non-believer.
By your actions and words, can either point someone to Christ or cause a person to turn away and think Christians are a bunch of hypocrites.
By your life can bring glory and honor to God almighty.
It is Christ in you that people see:
The choices you make.
The words you say.
The love you display.
The hospitality and giving of yourself.
The power, presence and faith in God that is visible to others in times of suffering and in times of blessing that can cause others to praise God.
Soon, the end is near, and Christ will return. Soon, we will see Jesus face to face. Let us do all we can while we are still able through the strength and power of God.
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