God and You All the Way

Purpose, Value, & Focus
You matter to God and you are precious to him. Learn how to live today but focus on eternity.
Sermons In This Series
Luke 16:19-31: Are you focused on Jesus and eternity? Learn five truths to help you make godly choices, and five ways to focus on Jesus in this last message in the God and You All the Way series.
Luke 16:1-13: Is your commitment to the Lord strong? Are you heavenly focused or too earthly minded? This message explores these questions and poses one of the most important questions you can ask yourself as a believer.
Luke 15: 11-31: Have you overlooked the blessings? Or, are you missing God’s love because you’re too busy trying to earn his love? You are precious in God's eyes. Learn more in today’s sermon that offers a picture of God’s heart, God and You All the Way, part 3.
Luke 15:1-11: You’re invited. Have you RSVP’d? These three parables speak to the reality that Jesus sought the one lost soul. Jesus sought everyone who will believe. Learn more in today’s sermon, God and You, All the Way, part 2.
Luke 14:1-24: What is your purpose and how do you fulfill it? Those questions are answered in today’s sermon, God and You, All the Way, part 1.
More About This Series
This five-week study focuses on you and God. We’ll learn about purpose, how much you matter to God, how precious you are to God, and how to live in the present but focus on eternity.
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