Removing Obstacles

John 17:20-26: Are you dealing with a dispute, conflict, or falling-out? Learn how Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection can help you have unity and love with others.
John 3:16: Do you know the perfect love of God? This message explains God’s great love for you. You’ll also get actionable advice to help you focus on God, accomplish his plans, and get through times of trouble.
John 8:12: Have you retreated into darkness? Have you closed off your heart to the light of the gospel? Learn the way out of spiritual darkness with today’s message. Plus, find out what you can do if you are feeling down.
John 9:1-39: Are you limiting God, or living with your spiritual eyes wide open? This message is a reminder that God is always working in your life. Are you open to what the Lord wants to do in your life?
John 3:16-17: Do you know Jesus’ unstoppable, passionate, perfect love for you? This message challenges you to reflect, commit, and celebrate life in Christ. Plus, learn how to seek God's wisdom and instruction.
John 3:16: Do you know the perfect love of God? This message explains God’s great love for you. You’ll also get actionable advice to help you focus on God, accomplish his plans, and get through times of trouble.
John 3:16: Do you passionately love God like he loves you? God’s unconditional, selfless, no-strings-attached love for you motivated Jesus to lay down his life for you! God has a plan for your life and he will never stop loving you.
John 17:20-26: Are you dealing with a dispute, conflict, or falling-out? Learn how Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection can help you have unity and love with others.
John 11:1-45: Ever wondered, “God, where are you?” This message helps us understand that the power of God is revealed in difficult situations. It is the “in-between times” when faith grows, and God brings life to the dead.
John 21:1-19: You are valuable to God. Nothing can separate you from God’s forgiving, healing love. Jesus loves you back to wholeness. Do you love him?
John 20:11-18: Are you in a hopeless situation? There is nothing that our God cannot do. You can have hope because anything is possible. Choose to embrace the hope that is offered to you in Jesus. Let hope lift your spirits.
John 13: This message teaches us why it’s important to love and serve others, what the significance of a renewed spirit is, and how to follow Jesus’ example.
John 6: Searching for fulfillment? Learn what it means to know Jesus as the bread of life who satisfies and sustains us. All you have gone through is not wasted. God has a plan for your life.
Joshua 1:9: Feel alone? This message is an encouraging reminder that you’re not alone. God is fighting for you! Do you believe his promises? Do you actively walk by faith, not fear? Learn how today.
This and other sermons brought to you by Faith Chapel, an Assemblies of God church in Pleasanton, CA.