How to Build a Sure Foundation & Get Through Anything

Today we revisit a message from 2020 that is helpful and encouraging.
When we build on a firm foundation of Christ, we can withstand whatever comes our way. A foundation based on God produces steadfast faith and life, and allows us to be living examples to others.
Dig your spiritual foundation deep; develop deep faith. Building a sure spiritual foundation means investing, inspecting, and ensuring the foundation is maintained—and God’s given us the instructions to do this!
Learn to trust God with the small stuff. When you do, you will find it easier to trust God with the big stuff.
You Can Get Through Anything When You Build a Strong Foundation in Christ
A Foundation for Life
In Matthew 7 we find Jesus is finishing His Sermon on the Mount. Jesus gives a word of warning and a word of affirmation and hope to all who are listening. A warning to those who might ignore Jesus’ teaching and a word of affirmation, hope and encouragement to those who put His teaching into practice. Just because we hear Jesus’ teaching and respond in a somewhat positive way, doesn’t mean we’ll put Jesus’ teaching into practice and build a sure foundation.
The devil, the enemy of God and the enemy of your soul, will do all he can to trick you into thinking you are OK and how you are living is OK; even as things are crashing down around you.
The devil wants you to think that there are shortcuts to obedience. Shortcuts regarding faithfulness. Workarounds dealing with truth; that there are many ways to heaven. Or how about the idea that God will understand and that God will look the other way if you ignore Godly instruction? If this is you, and you continue to ignore Godly instruction, you may be surprised to hear the words “I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers”.
With that let’s read:
‘“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. 26 But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. 27 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.” 28 When Jesus had finished saying these things, the crowds were amazed at his teaching, 29 because he taught as one who had authority, and not as their teachers of the law.’ (Matthew 7:24-29, NIV).
Jesus is relating a physical foundation for the purpose of teaching about a spiritual truth. Something drastic often has to to happen for us to see that our spiritual foundation is compromised by a shortcut, and everything collapses under the stress caused by the winds and storms of life.
Another way to think about it is: Why would you give the appearance of obedience and submission to God when you reject the very teaching of God by the actions of your own personal life?
Jesus is teaching an important truth in that it doesn’t really matter how the building looks on the outside, it’s the foundation—it’s what most don’t see—that is what truly matters. A building will either stand or fall depending on the foundation it is built upon. We will either stand firm or fall depending upon the foundation that we believe. When we build on a firm foundation of Christ, we can withstand whatever comes our way. When a foundation is based on the true meaning and spirit of the word of God it produces steadfast faith and life.
Jesus gives us a clear picture of two very different people and what they built their lives upon in Matthew 7. The first is someone who hears the teaching of Jesus and applies the teaching to how they live. The second is someone who also hears the teaching of Jesus but only appears to follow Jesus’ teaching.
Jesus taught the way of life that was born out of love and of having a living relationship with God that expressed loving mercy, grace and forgiveness that produced life and hope in God.
Jesus’ teaching on the Sermon on the Mount cut through the hopelessness of the law and gave us understandable reasons to live and obey the teaching. Outward actions were one thing, but the inward intention of the heart was the real issue that Jesus wanted to highlight and address. You can honor and glorify God by how you live. The law points to a spiritual need; obedience from the heart is what truly matters.
Jesus’ intent was to relate the laws of God in such a way that all people would understand. The law was more than dos and don’ts. The law was to instruct you to a way of life: to first God, and then others, to honor God and love others. God blesses those who live by faith, by these Godly priorities.
What did Jesus teach about Daily Living?
Jesus was teaching and explaining the foundation for living both in the present life and for all eternity.
When we adhere to these instructions, happiness, joy, peace, mercy and heaven will be ours.
If we hunger and thirst for righteousness, we will be filled and called sons and daughters of God.
The law is to honor God, not man, and the law is to be the basis for living each day.
We are to put others before ourselves.
We are to focus on God, and an inward change of the heart.
We are to focus on the spiritual more than the physical.
This teaching was totally opposite of what the scribes and religious leaders were focused on and how they lived their lives.
Jesus was calling the followers of God to stop living as hypocrites, but rather, to be a living example of people of faith to others, to inspire others to live a life of faith in God, and that could only be done by building one’s life on Jesus—the solid rock.
What makes a Sure Foundation?
I want us to consider our foundation and what we have built our lives on.
What insight does this scripture give us regarding a firm foundation? How can we stand steady in faith when the storms of life hit us?
We need to invest in a sure and solid spiritual foundation.
We need to inspect our spiritual foundation.
We need to ensure our spiritual foundation remains on the solid foundation.
If we are to invest in a sure spiritual foundation, we need to look to God. We need to be willing to invest time and learn all we can about God and what we are building our future upon: Jesus.
God created the heavens and the earth. He spoke everything into existence, so who better to go to than God and the scriptures when considering a sure spiritual foundation"?
If you want to be a carpenter, you will invest your time in learning carpentry to be a good carpenter. The same is true with anything you want to be good at in life. It is also true when considering building a sure spiritual foundation.
Once you've invested in forming a spiritual foundation, you’ll want to inspect it for strength and quality; that it will stand up to the storms of life.
Next, you should ensure your foundation remains in good condition and free of weak points, periodically addressing possible problem areas and getting outside when necessary.
How to Build a Strong Foundation
How should we respond to Jesus’ teaching regarding the wise and foolish builder?
We should trust the Lord and know that the promises of God are sure.
We need to abide in God’s word.where we see the power of God, the promise of God, the provision of God, and the presence of God.
We need to apply God’s word to our lives: believe it, live it, trust it, apply it and pray according to Gods word.
And last, we need to have faith in Jesus and in God’s word.
If we are going to stand firm in faith, if our spiritual foundation is going to be a sure foundation, we must:
Invest time into reading the scriptures: studying the scriptures, praying the scriptures, seeking the presence of God in every decision we make.
Inspect our foundation: what have we based our lives on? Allow the Holy Spirit complete access of your heart and soul; ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you any area that is in spiritual disrepair; acknowledge and begin the spiritual repairs without delay; focus on every area that needs attention.
Ensure maintenance: we remain spiritually vigilant and seek to do the will of God in our lives; decide to remain faithful; determine to listen to the Holy Spirit’s prompting; disregard the temptation to spiritually coast through life.
Learn to trust God with the small stuff. When you do, you will find trusting God in the big stuff comes much easier.
I want to end with this thought: If you’re looking for water that will last during a long drought, you’ll need to dig a deep well. A shallow well may produce water but in the time of a drought it will dry up. Only a deep well will provide enough cool water in times of a drought.
Dig your spiritual foundation deep. Dig your spiritual well deep.
Develop deep faith, lasting faith; when the storms of life blow strong, your foundation will be secure.
Having a sure spiritual foundation means investing, inspecting, and ensuring the foundation is maintained in good repair. It takes work and continued moderating against outside forces.
Having a sure foundation in Christ, and a life built on Christ, is rewarded by eternal life with Christ for all eternity.
Suggested Praise and Worship
John 17:20-26: Are you dealing with a dispute, conflict, or falling-out? Learn how Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection can help you have unity and love with others.
Jeremiah 29:11: Are you stuck on failures? This message helps us focus on what’s important – God’s future for us. Learn how to overcome your internal battles and focus on the future.
Ephesians 1: Have you wondered “who am I? What am I doing here?” Or “how can I break free from my past?” Learn how to answer the question “Who am I in Christ” in a positive way with today’s message. Plus, 8 truths to consider for your life today.
Psalm 119:105: What are you allowing in your heart? In today’s message, learn why you should reject darkness and live in the light of God’s word, and why it’s important.
Psalm 119:105: Are you stumbling in darkness? Trying to find the next steps forward? This message offers insight for walking in the light and finding a clear path. Plus, learn how to get the kind of faith that keeps going forward.
John 8:12: Have you retreated into darkness? Have you closed off your heart to the light of the gospel? Learn the way out of spiritual darkness with today’s message. Plus, find out what you can do if you are feeling down.
Ezekiel 37:1-14: How’s your spiritual health? In a spiritually dry valley, or on a mountain top? Discover how God brings us back from spiritual dryness, and learn the five steps to spiritual health with this message.
Romans 12:2: Did you know you’re called to do great things? Only Christ can give you true meaning and purpose. Learn how to begin living a transformed life today.
1 Samuel 17:32-37: What battle are you facing today? Physical and spiritual battles are often connected. This message teaches us how to face and overcome fear and situations that seem impossible.
Matthew 16:24-28: What is most important to you? Are you following Jesus? What might be in your life that is hindering you? Today’s message asks you to consider four points instructed by Jesus.
Ezekiel 37:1-14: How’s your spiritual health? In a spiritually dry valley, or on a mountain top? Discover how God brings us back from spiritual dryness, and learn the five steps to spiritual health with this message.
Proverbs 12:24, Genesis 2:1-15: What if work is in God’s plan to guide us in living a balanced life? This message reveals how healthy work and spiritual habits, a healthy family life all start with following the wise words found in scripture.
Revelation 2:1-7: Are you spiritually distracted? Has duty, religious obligation, or hard work replaced your love for Jesus? Return to your first love and focus on Jesus.
Proverbs 1:1-7: Did you know that the fear—or reverence—of the Lord will bring spiritual blessing and victory? This message reveals what a healthy fear of the Lord can do, where it comes from, and how to practice it.
Luke 16:19-31: Are you focused on Jesus and eternity? Learn five truths to help you make godly choices, and five ways to focus on Jesus in this last message in the God and You All the Way series.
Luke 16:1-13: Is your commitment to the Lord strong? Are you heavenly focused or too earthly minded? This message explores these questions and poses one of the most important questions you can ask yourself as a believer.
Luke 15: 11-31: Have you overlooked the blessings? Or, are you missing God’s love because you’re too busy trying to earn his love? You are precious in God's eyes. Learn more in today’s sermon that offers a picture of God’s heart, God and You All the Way, part 3.
Luke 15:1-11: You’re invited. Have you RSVP’d? These three parables speak to the reality that Jesus sought the one lost soul. Jesus sought everyone who will believe. Learn more in today’s sermon, God and You, All the Way, part 2.
Luke 14:1-24: What is your purpose and how do you fulfill it? Those questions are answered in today’s sermon, God and You, All the Way, part 1.
Haggai 1:1-15: Do you know how to deal with temptation when it comes? This message reveals 5 keys to avoid temptation, plus 5 ways God cares for you personally.
Haggai 1:1-15: Distracted? Are your priorities right? This message tells us how to avoid distractions. When things in life get in the way and draw you away spiritually from the will of God, he will do whatever it takes to bring you close to him.
John 9:1-39: Are you limiting God, or living with your spiritual eyes wide open? This message is a reminder that God is always working in your life. Are you open to what the Lord wants to do in your life?
Luke 10:25-37: Do you offer and receive love? In today’s message, learn what it means to love your neighbor and—just as importantly—how much God loves you. It’s Easy to Love Others When You Understand God’s Love for You.
Colossians 3:17-25: What’s the key to true peace? This message will help you learn how to have peace and get practical instructions of who you are and how to live, plus 4 steps to peace and blessing.
Colossians 3:12-17: Got peace? What about joy? This message will help you learn how to have true peace and get practical instructions of who you are and how to live.
Colossians 3:1-8: Are you living your best life in Christ? This message teaches us how to put old desires and actions to death, set our minds on the things above, and live worthy of the Lord.
Colossians 2:6-8: Do you know how to avoid deception stay connected securely to Christ? This message reveals what we can do to remain rooted in Christ and why it’s so important.
Colossians 1:9-14: Are you living worthy of the Lord? This message helps us understand how and why we should live worthy of the Lord; plus, learn how to push back spiritual darkness and what brings endurance and strength.
Galatians 5:22-23: Are you settling for less than God’s abundant plan for you? In today’s message, learn what abundance looks like, and what true, Godly love is.
Matthew 16:24-28: What is most important to you? Are you following Jesus? What might be in your life that is hindering you? Today’s message asks you to consider four points instructed by Jesus.
1 Kings 19:9-13: Do you know God’s will and direction for you? In today’s message, learn how to listen to God and why it’s so important.
Matthew 4:1-11: Are you in a time of testing, turmoil, or confusion? This message will help you know what to do when you are experiencing a wilderness season in your life.
Matthew 6:33, Romans 12:9-21: Are you living in a way that’s pleasing to God? In this message, you’ll learn about the number one priority in life, plus seven marks of a living sacrifice.
Matthew 28:16-20: What’s your calling and how do you accomplish it? Learn both in this message!
Matthew 5:1-12: Did you know there are divine blessings available to you? This message digs deep into the character of each Beatitude. Get seven steps to put these into practice.
Matthew 7:24-29: When we build on a firm foundation of Christ, we can withstand whatever comes our way. A foundation based on God produces steadfast faith and life. Here’s how.
Matthew 11:28-30: Carrying burdens that aren’t meant for you? This message helps us understand what it means to give our burdens to Christ and be free from the responsibilities we’re not meant to carry.
Matthew 14:13-21: Have a need or feel inadequate? Here’s what to do when we get stuck or have a need. It’s one of the greatest lessons we can learn.
Matthew 8:5-13: Got faith? More importantly, got great faith? This message reminds us that we don’t need a lot of faith, but we do need quality, exceptional faith. We need faith that believes in God’s authority.
Matthew 28:16-20: What’s your calling and how do you accomplish it? Learn both in this message!
Joshua 1:9: Feel alone? This message is an encouraging reminder that you’re not alone. God is fighting for you! Do you believe his promises? Do you actively walk by faith, not fear? Learn how today.
Matthew 6:11, 25-34: Has fear stolen your joy? This message teaches us how to turn that around. We also learn how valuable we are to God and how he’ll take care of us if we let him.
Matthew 28:19-20: What’s your purpose? God has a plan for your life! If you’ve ever wondered about your mission or purpose, this is for you. This message is simple but important.
Matthew 14:22-33: Are you distracted, alone, or afraid? This message empowers us to focus on Jesus and trust him to get us through any storm.
Matthew 18:21-35: Would you rather live in bondage or freedom? This message illustrates the outcome of forgiveness vs unforgiveness and gives us three truths to live by.
Matthew 6:25-34: Do you worry about problems or your future? This message offers encouragement and actionable steps to overcome worry and find God’s path for you.
2 Corinthians 5:17-21: Does your past hinder you? Out with the old and in with the new! This message helps us be free of our past and encourages us to allow God’s love to reign in us for a better future.
Matthew 28:18-20: Happy Easter! Today we celebrate Jesus’ life and victory; the most powerful being in the universe loved you so much that He paid your debts in full, freeing you to let love guide your heart as it guided His.
Matthew 4:1-11: Feeling empty, burned-out, or overwhelmed? Find hope and forgiveness to overcome your struggles. This week, we’ll learn where temptation can come from and how to battle it.
Matthew 13:44-46: What does your forever—your eternity—look like? As hard as it is to imagine, God has already promised us a priceless, personal treasure. All we have to do is say yes to Jesus and He will help us get there.
Matthew 8:23-27: Feeling desperate or overwhelmed? This short message encourages us to call out to Jesus. He will hear you; He has authority to deliver you from the storms of this life. Allow faith to overcome fear.
Matthew 7:24-29: When we build on a firm foundation of Christ, we can withstand whatever comes our way. A foundation based on God produces steadfast faith and life. Here’s how.
Matthew 15:21-28: Today is Mother’s Day and we want to say thank you to women in our lives for all the things you have done for us! This sermon offers thanks and encouragement.
Matthew 14:23-33: Feeling overwhelmed, scared, or unnerved? This sermon dives into what it means to trust God in the storm. Jesus tells us, “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”
This and other sermons brought to you by Faith Chapel, an Assemblies of God church in Pleasanton, CA.
Ephesians 2:11: Is Jesus the cornerstone of your life? As a believer, you are part of the family of God, with Jesus as the cornerstone. This message reveals how and why you are to live in unity with other believers and with the grace of God in your heart.